Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has implemented IPv6 in its Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) service networks. This is to counter the issue of more subscribers on the telco’s broadband network. With the arrival of the second round of lockdowns around the country, the need for fibre broadband internet has shot up yet again. Because of that, BSNL Bharat Fibre, the FTTH arm of the state-run telco, has been adding plenty of subscribers at a very fast rate. Another reason for the fast addition of broadband users is the quality and competitive plans that BSNL provides to its users. The telco has upgraded its broadband networks from IPv4 to IPv6 for ensuring that a smooth internet experience can be provided to the users.
IPv4 Addresses Might Have Exhausted
Since BSNL has been adding a ton of new subscribers, the telco might have exhausted the IPv4 addresses soon. To ensure that it doesn’t hinder the broadband internet experience of the users, the telco has upgraded its networks to IPv6 for the FTTH users who are parented towards BSNL’s Juniper BNGs(Broadband Network Gateway). One thing that’s bound to happen when you configure IPv6 on your FTTH ONT (optical network terminal) is a better browsing experience. Since multiple websites today are compatible with IPv6, configuring the ONT to IPv6 will allow you to get a faster internet experience. You can change the WAN settings on your ONU/ONT device of the connection. Presently, the IP protocol on your ONU device would be configured as IPv4. But you need to change that to IPv4/IPv6.
BSNL Bharat Fibre Plans
BSNL Bharat Fibre offers a total of 6 plans for Rs 449, Rs 599, Rs 799, Rs 999, Rs 1,277, and Rs 1,499. The base plan of Rs 449 offers users 30 Mbps speed, Rs 599 plan offers 60 Mbps speed, Rs 799 plan offers 100 Mbps speed, Rs 999, and Rs 1,277 plan offers 200 Mbps speed, and the Rs 1,499 plan offers 300 Mbps speed. All of the plans come with 3.3TB FUP data, and none of the prices mentioned above is inclusive of GST. Users can also purchase some of these plans with long-term validities as well. BSNL offers the above plans in select circles of the country.